June 27, 2010


That's all.

Posted by maryam at 9:17 PM

June 26, 2010

A super kind dad

Is one of the greatest gift i got from GOD without doing anything!

Posted by maryam at 7:02 PM

June 22, 2010

No definition

I started to think that some people just don't understand what No means.
or may be it's maybe, when i say NO, they feel i am saying a yes with big smile!
the more angry is my NO, the more yes-feeling they get.

Posted by maryam at 7:49 PM

Two decisions in one day

If you don't make the decision,
decision will make you soon!

Posted by maryam at 3:37 AM

June 8, 2010

Yes, i am a fast learner
if you can just explain it with human being language!

Posted by maryam at 7:59 AM

June 3, 2010


It's like a glass
once it's broken
you can't fix it like before,
even if you try so hard.
Once i get hurt
i can't be like before
and i am sorry for that
it's just me
my feeling
and i can't help with that
even if i try so hard..

Posted by maryam at 9:56 PM