From the first moment i left Iran, every single time, in every single conversation my mum has asked me" when will you be back home" and my dad has asked me" How long do you sill have to finish"
And either i say" I don't know, i just started my semester " or" I still have 2 more years to go " or " it's the last week"
he will answer" ooh, this is too long"
So last week, when he called and asked me how long this PhD thing is going to take, when i said three years and as usual when i hear him saying" wow, 3 years, is too long"
I answered him: well, if i am going to live as long as grandpa, three years is nothing! because he died when he was 95 years old.
and i could hear my dad laugh from the line, he was happy of my answer not because he thought 3 years is no long, just because,
i reminded him that he still has long years to live like grandpa...
We all know the game
we all played the game before
why we can't just be honest and say
i don't feek talking to you and stop the game!?
PS: why i can't do that!?